Recent developments
A dynamic noise map of the Lyon conurbation is computed, with a 15 min resolution, on a generic day (here the focus on the network L63V is depicted). It relies on the coupling between MATSim and NoiseModelling. The MATSim modeling is fed with real census data. The model stores in parallel the trajectory of the agents throughout the day. Finally, the agents are described by their socio-professional status. Thus it will soon be possible:
- to take into account the real exposure to noise of agents in the impact studies, taking into account their daily mobility ;
- to look at the influence of socio-professional status on acoustic impacts and respond to the following question: who annoys whom regarding noise ?
Answer in a few months !
Dynamic noise map of Lyon conurbation computed with MATSim/NoiseModelling (15mn time step)

The coupling between SYMUVIA and Noisemodelling highlights the time series of noise levels with a time step of 1s, which makes it possible to : (i) calculate a wide variety of acoustic indicators, (ii) take into account the dynamics of the traffic flow (reassignments, fine kinematics of vehicles, etc...).
The network simulated with SYMUVIA is included in the one modelled with MATSim, hence the following question: do the models' outputs agree ? The experimental campaign to come will provide some answers !
Dynamic noise map of a neighborhood in Lyon computed with SYMUVIA/NoiseModelling (1s time step)